What type of labels are there?

The world of printable labels is quite diverse, because of our long term experience with printing and labels we can offer the right type of label for almost any situation.

The most used labels are:

Direct thermal labels:
This cost-effective kind of label is mostly used as a shipping label, because of the printing technique (heat) it’s not suitable for longterm use.
Direct thermische labels worden ‘geprint’ door warmte op het label aan te brengen, er is geen lint (ribbon), inkt of toner nodig.

Thermal transfer labels:
The thermal transfer labels uses a different kind of technology, ribbons. The ribbon is applied to the label using heat from the printhead. There are different types of ribbons, wax, resin or wax-resin. Because of the ribbon technique, this label is suited for many situations like cold storage, hazardous materials or pharmaceutical products.

RFID-labels (Radio-frequency identification):
The RFID label includes a small antenna, which is activated when the label is printed on a printer with a RFID module installed. This is more common in situations where a high volume of goods are being shipped in or out, for example in the clothing industry. Another situation where the RFID label can come in handy is for security purposes.

The last category of ‘labels’ are the wristbands. There are a lot of different types, paper, vinyl, silicone or RFID wristbands. They vary in use, from one time (paper) to long term (silicone) there is an appropriate wristband for any situation.

We also sell the corresponding printer(s) for all types of labels.
If you want to know more about the different types or labels feel free to contact us.

Verschillende soorten (custom) labels die JNC Service BV kan leveren

Custom made solutions

In this fast paced world, how can you stand out?

Our customers are constantly busy trying to stand out, which is what we like to do too. It’s becoming harder to be unique in your kind of business. Sometimes just a small thing can make a difference, for example using on of our custom made solutions. We have several customers using their own kind of label, in a specific size and colour to be just a little different then their competitors. If you’re looking for a custom made label please feel free to contact us with your question(s)!